Looking for an alternative to Akismet?

Pay less for better support and accuracy

Privacy-friendly Accessible Customizable Fast + accurate API Trusted on 3.5 million+ sites

Why choose OOPSpam over Akismet?

Features Akismet
API for non-WordPress sites
WordPress plugin

Unlimited websites with 100K API calls

See calculator

$49/mo $250/mo
Spam Score
Detailed spam report
Spam filtering by language
Spam filtering by country
Domain Reputation Check
24/7 Customer Support

What People Are Saying

Charles | source

We’ve had a tough time dealing with spam since putting up an Elementor based Contact form. Neither Akismet nor AntiSpam Bee could deal with it. OOPSpam worked out of the box – so well, that we blew past the 40/requests/month limit on the Free account within a day.

websolplus | source

I tried this as an alternative to Akismit on 40 or so sites I maintain. Now that it’s been a few months, I can say I’m very happy with the usable data and tools provided to me. It’s eliminated all spam, and even the need for Captcha. I like being able to solve my own problems, and I’ve learned a lot about spam control since installing this! Great plugin, highly recommend.

Charles | source

We love this plugin! We had been searching for a plugin to fix the BARRAGE of spam contact submissions we get every day. After trying Akismet and realizing how difficult it is to get it to work with Elementor Forms, I did some more research and came across OOPSpam. This plugin is AMAZING. It has singlehandedly stopped the annoying spam contact submissions we get.

Spam Score response of OOPSpam Anti-Spam

Take control with Spam Score

Have you had a legitimate message flagged as spam by Akismet?

OOPSpam is a score-based spam filter. It assigns a spam score to each submission to forms. Control the spam filter with the sensitivity level to avoid missing opportunities.

Know why it is spam

Akismet tells you if a message is spam. OOPSpam goes a step further by giving you a detailed report explaining why a message was marked as spam. This helps you understand your spam better and how to deal with it.
OOPSpam Spam Score example

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API calls:


WordPress plugin

Moving from Akismet WordPress plugin?

We got you covered. Try OOPSpam WordPress plugin. No more overflowing your database with logs. We don't keep any logs neither in your database nor ours. A minimal configuration plugin brings OOPSpam Anti-Spam API's high accuracy to the WordPress platform.

OOPSpam WordPress Plugin screenshot
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Privacy-friendly spam filtering API

We are GDPR compliant. We respect your privacy and the privacy of your website visitors. We don't keep logs by default. OOPSpam Anti-Spam asks for minimal data while providing high accuracy.

24/7 customer support

We reply fast. Contact us for any questions or concerns.


Your search for an Akismet alternative is over

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